Sweat off your stress. Exercise can help release stress and boost energy.
Journal your progress. Your entries will remind you of your goals, how much you've accomplished, and how good it feels to succeed.
Be sure to eat breakfast. You’ll enjoy better brain power, better test scores, a longer attention span, and a better mood.
Be open to losing weight. Try all the proven ways to lose weight, especially eating right and regular physical activity.
Watching TV while eating can distract you from important body cues that indicate when you‘re full.
Find strength in numbers. Sharing a problem with others who have had similar experiences may help you find a solution and feel less isolated.
Avoid jumping on the fad wagon and use proven nutrition and exercise information.
Don't feel obligated to do everything asked of you. It’s okay to say no.
If you feel overwhelmed, spend some time alone once in a while. Watch a movie, play a game, read a book, or take a nap.
Build your stress tolerance by recognizing and accepting things beyond your control.
Change takes time. Focus on one goal per week. Small steps help build a solid foundation and provide momentum.
Set specific measurable goals and monitor your behaviors.
Focus on the positive and avoid judging yourself.
Exhaustion happens during times of stress and at night. Have a plan to recapture focus and energy—go for a walk or find a way to break the routine.
Post notes in your car, on your desk, or wear a bracelet to help you remember your goals.
Daily activity will help you to maintain a healthy weight and boost your immune system.
Trying to change your diet but you don't really know what's healthy? Rethink your favorite foods and write down 3 healthy options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Prepare meals in advance.
Our bodies acclimate and become more efficient at performing certain activities. Vary your time, frequency, intensity, or type of exercise to stimulate new progress.
Relax with hobbies. Making time for the things you love to do is an important part of managing stress.
Spend time with friends. Few things can cheer you up like being around the people you like most. Eat dinner with them, watch TV, or just hang out to reduce stress.
Find your inner artist and do something creative for five minutes everyday. Draw a quick picture or write a short poem. Even the smallest burst of creativity may inspire or relax you.
You're not too busy to eat right. If you don't have time for lunch, grab an apple or banana when you leave for work, and eat it when you need a boost.
Gradually switch to organic food,. one ingredient at a time. Don’t resist buying organic because of cost. Shop farmers markets to beat grocery store prices and feel good about supporting local farmers.
Try Meatless Mondays. Do your part for the environment and get healthier by giving up meat one day a week. Animal farming uses a lot of environmental resources, such as water, grain, land, and fossil fuels.
Set goals for yourself. They’ll give you something to work toward, give you a purpose, and finally, a sense of accomplishment.
Tune out your electronic devices every now and then. Take a walk, visit an art museum, or go to the park. Sure, technology is wonderful and useful, but it does not stimulate our senses like listening to live music or looking at an amazing painting will.
List-making is a fabulous tool to reduce stress and improve mental health. Create lists based on priorities beginning with what is most important and needs to be accomplished first.
Get 8 hours of sleep a night to feel well rested and ready to take on the day. Sleep gives your mind a chance to take a break and stop focusing on all the responsibilities, deadlines, and issues in your life.
Shed some tears. Crying is a natural reaction to stress. If you feel like crying, don't hold back.
Meditation is a great way to relax your mind and decrease stress. Focus on all the positive aspects of your life.
Don't bottle up feelings. Talking to someone when you feel stressed or down can significantly reduce stress in your life. Find someone—a friend, a family member, a religious leader, or a counselor—to discuss your feelings with.
Gain strength in aging. Taking preventative measures like eating right and exercising can help individuals remain active and healthy throughout life.